# Same-day coverage
# No medical exam - just answer a few
health questions
# Apply completely online - no agent
will contact you
Getting affordable term life insurance to protect your family
could not be easier! With RBC ExpressTERM from RBC Insurance®,
you can get up to $250,000* in coverage in around 15 minutes.
CLICK BANNER for more info
The Problem:
In case of emergency, you may think that all you need is a driver's license, passport, student ID--or someone with you who knows your name. When it comes to contacting people important to you, most of the time the police or emergency personnel will only have time to check your name and address--and then consult a phone book or the internet.
There is no "magical database" that lists those important to you. If you are not listed, do not have a landline, live alone or if no one is at home when the emergency responders call, notification can take hours or days if at all. Even then, they will stop at the first person they speak to. We make sure this does not happen to you!
CLICK BANNER for more info