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Dedicated to bringing readers quality books, HCI makes its distinction in the marketplace by not just publishing books, but by “publishing people”. These people are carefully selected authors who inspire readers to achieve their dreams, live lives of abundance, to experience consolation when needed as well the healing power of laughter. Readers will find a wealth of topics reflecting every aspect of life including: Inspiration, Self-Help, Soul, Spirituality, Relationships, Recovery, Healing, Health and Wellness, Diet, Teen Issues, Women's Issues, and Parenting. There are riveting memoirs to enjoy and trademark stories to savor in the tradition that made Chicken Soup for the Soul series famous.
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How truly special it must feel when a child not only hears their name, but to sees themselves on every page; talking and flying through outer space with Sparkle the Star in Moon Dirt Milkshake or sitting in the stands at the circus, counting “three bears riding bikes and throwing Frisbees”, in Can Count.
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